101 – The Gathering Storm

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101 – The Gathering Storm
A “burg” is an autonomous fortified town. Alf-Ridge was built on a ridge of Fang Peak, the only way to get there is to fly or follow a trail thru the forest (and it has a concealment spell for concealment). At the entrance there is the front wall with steep cliffs on either side. Behind it are high meadows for the flocks, and forbidding Fang Peak guards the rear of the burg. Beside the main Elf section there is an area next to the wall for the Human houses. Note: It's Dec. 20 high in the Alps, but I didn't draw a lot of snow because I didn't want everything to be buried in white.

Several days later . . .
Grandpa: A beautiful day turning into a dark and stormy night?

Grandpa: This can mean only ONE thing . . .

Grandpa: The Elvan Sorcerers are convening in the Great Library of Occultus Magic!
Wife (of pitchfork guy): RUN!
Uncle Fool: HIDE!
Boy: Prepare a fresh change of UNDERWEAR!

Yes, high in the Eastern Alph Mountains. its entry path hidden by an enchanted forest . . .

ALF-RIDGE, the ancient Elvan Burg that had survived countless crises, wars, and magical shitfests . . .

was hosting the Elvan scholars.
Grand-Alf: Forces of Mirthiful Chaos - we call upon you to bless this meeting . . .