102 - The GLoOM PoND

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102– The G.L.o.O.M. / P.o.N.D.
The POOL of Madness gets its own SPLASH page! The 'official names' are “Great Library of Occultus Magic” and “Pool of Nervosa Dementia” (the G.L.o.O.M. / P.o.N.D.) This weeks Latin lesson: Occultus = Hidden, Nervosa Dementia = Nervous Insanity. Now stop taking Latin lessons from a wacky web comic!

The Great Library of Occultus Magic
A Repository of Elvan Knowledge and many Terrible Wonders

Built over the Wellspring of MADNESS, one support destroyed during "The Time of Really Fucked-Upness", a second support destroyed by "The Big Boo-Boo", and yet it still stands! Teetering on only ONE support and the POWER of the MAGIKLE VORTEX.

Some say that when the last support fails it will herald the end of an age, others say maybe the lazy Elves should just fix the broken supports.

In any case, it was here that the Elvan scholars meet to decide what to do about the Vampire curse that had been placed on them.

The library holds many ELDRITCH TOMES, which can be read safely ONLY while over the POOL OF NERVOSA DEMENTIA. The Pool focuses the mind so it can understand the incomprehensible, and allows only the mellow knowledge to seep in while filtering off the bitter unwanted insanity.