104– The Elvanpyres Strike Back

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104– The Elvanpyres Strike Back
Note that while the Elves aren't technically “Evil” (since they don't have malicious intent), they are defiantly NOT nice (because they don't care who gets hurt in the pursuit of their plans). Don't worry – Karma is a CYKA! And hey, does anyone else notice how “Violet” is only 1 letter away from “Violent”?

Grand-Alf: So what can we do?
Sno-Loks: We spoof the curse by transferring some Elvan traits to the Humans! But of course we don't want to give away our PREMIUM content like ears or claws!
Grand-Alf: What trait do you recommend?
Sno-Loks: How 'bout our wacky sense of humor? That seems safe enuf.

Sno-Loks: The tricky part will be creating the first COUPLE of vampires. It will be VERY RISKY, but I think I'm up to the challenge.

Sno-Loks: Once the first Humans are infected with the curse they can easily pass Vampirism onto other peoples. Soon we'll be swimming in BLOOD and the gods will have no choice but to revoke the curse.
G'Star: Just like last time!

Grand-Alf: Excellent . . . Tomorrow morning before dawn West-Ley will assemble our Human townsfolk . We will offer them the opportunity to become Vampires!

Sno-Loks: Um, ya know . . . PRIME WITCH VIOLET kinda considers the affairs of the Human townsfolk to be HER prerogative. If we don't get her permission first, she could be pissed.
Grand-Alf: (from off panel) Fuck her.

NEXT WEEK (8/25): An Offer They Can't Refuse