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21 - Where to first?
Alfin and Rude Elf got tasked with setting up the cask.

Hippogrif: If you need me I'll be in the pool.
Auberille: Whatever!
Elfina: This is great! A whole week of partying!
Ralf: Unfortunately it looks like I might have to leave a couple days early.
Elfina: Problem?
Ralf: There's something the sorcerer wants me to finish.
Elfina: Oh well.
Auberille: So where to first?
Ralf: The Hall of Fighters! They told me we're going all out!
Elfina: OK, but don't spend all day yakking with your teammates. Theres lots of things to see.
Meanwhile in the Hall of Fighters Practice Room:
Alfin: Whew, Setting up that keg took a lot longer than I expected!
Rude-Elf: I still think we should have gotten the BIG one.