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37 - Rude Elf suspects Loki
There's still plenty of beer in the keg, Alfin just doesn't want any Rat backwash.

Rude Elf: Where did all those rats come from?
Random Elf: It was a magical summons! The sorcerers traced it to a spawn of Cthulu. We're trying to find the Cthulid now!
Rude Elf: BULLSHIT! Why would a Cthulid prank us? Who else would have a reason?
Alfin: Well there's a story going 'round that Odin blew his top earlier when he caught some Elves "funning it up" in his sacred shrubbery.
Alfin: But nothing happened because fortunately Loki was there to calm him down
Rude Elf: Riiiiiight, Loki was the GOOD influence.
Rude Elf: I just know Odin and Loki had something to do with those rats!
Alfin: Yeah, so?
Rude Elf: We need to get rid of those fun wreckers to go back to Ass-Lard so that we can enjoy our party!
Alfin: How?
Rude Elf: I'm going to make a little announcement over the public address system