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7 - This is Ralf
His true Elf name is Ur-Alf, which means “Thoroughly Elf”, but going by “Ralf” is a cunning misdirection to keep his true name secret.

Here we see a happy Elf on the balcony of a LuftSchloss (SkyCastle), looking at some other floating Sky Cities.
He's happy because it's the Saturnalia and soon he will be partying with his friends
Ralf: Actually I'm hoping to have SEX!
This ISN 'T that kind of story
Ralf: I'm cool with it happening off-panel
This is RALF, and like many Elves living in the human world he toils away in a workshop for room and board.
Ralf has a sweet deal - In return for his labor he has been made an Apprentice of the Sorcerer he works for, gaining knowledge of the dread arcane arts.
Ray: Why are you not getting this?
Ralf: Because it's difficult and I'm simple!
The Sorcerer, Ray Theoplant, is old and powerful. Unfortunately he is involved with DARK magic. Some say he is drunk with power, while others say he's just drunk.