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71 – Pan-Ghoulin NO BAKA!
71 pages in, and Cthulyn finally gets a line of dialog. Nug is both the “god of ghouls” (so P-G's boss) and also Cthulu's parent. This puts Cthulu's High Priestess (Cthulyn) higher on the Org Chart than P-G. Also “6 emotions challenge” for Pan-Ghoulin: Confusion, Joy, Fear, Pain, Anger, Regret.

Another interesting fact about Pan-Ghoulin is that the Egyptians conflated him with ANKH-ylosaur.
Pan-Ghoulin: What the hell am I supposed to do with THAT?
Note: The real ANKHylosaur was VERY effective at battling against the undead.

Pan-Ghoulin also has a sacred pagoda located in the far East.
Pan-Ghoulin: I had it built to look like a termite mound!

It was there that Cthulu's High Priestess went to express her opinion of Pan-Ghoulins decision making regarding the Sky City crisis.
Cthulyn: PAN – GHOULIN!

Cthulyn: NO - BAKA!
Pan-Ghoulin: I'm telling Nug on you!

I guess Pan-Ghoulin should have had his own escape goats.
Pan-Ghoulin: I've got a whole fucking herd!

No, those are LANDscape goats. They just eat weeds and stuff to keep the landscape clear of vegetation.
Pan-Ghoulin: No wonder they were dirt cheap.